
Buy your coffee pre-packed or loose. Both are counted for bulk discounts. For loose coffee you can specify how much you would like and how you would like it ground or blended. Click for helpful information on grinding and the different roasts.

Organic and Fairtrade coffee. We offer many keenly priced coffees with dual certification, both organic (Soil Association) and Fairtrade. We have been organically certified since 1991.

All our coffees are pure arabica except Full Strength Continental (33% Robusta) and Strong French (75% Robusta).


Full Strength Continental

Full Strength ContinentalFrom:  £5.15

For all methods. Italian Roast with some Robusta for extra body. This adds a rough quality which mainstream coffee drinkers associate with a dark roast.

Strong French

Strong FrenchFrom:  £5.65

For all methods. This bitter, mostly robusta coffee is reminiscent of the traditional coffee found in Parisian cafés. It works best with either a lot of milk or a lot of sugar.

Papua New Guinea

Papua New GuineaFrom:  £5.90

A medium roast for filter, cafetiere and mild espresso. A well-balanced, richly flavored cup. Grown from a Kenyan variety this is not unlike Kenyan coffee in strength. Can also work in latte and cappuccino.

Kenya Blue Mountain

Kenya Blue MountainFrom:  £7.65

A medium roast for filter and cafetiere. Grown from the Jamaican Blue Mountain strain, Kenya Blue mountain tastes like normal Kenyan but with a little less acidity and an added chocolatey flavour.


MalawiFrom:  £5.90

A medium roast for filter, cafetiere and mild espresso. Known for its full body, soft and rich flavour with a fruity aroma. The thicker body gives a creamier flavour than other African origins.

Mexican Blend Organic Fairtrade 250g Ground Valve Pack

Mexican Blend Organic Fairtrade 250g Ground Valve Pack£8.00

Mexican at this medium to strong roast is one of our most popular origins, perhaps because it has a good flavour range while maintaining a smooth overall character, leaving everyone satisfied. Ground medium to fine, this is suitable for all methods.

Decaffeinated Organic Fairtrade Medium Blend 250g Ground Valve Pack

Decaffeinated Organic Fairtrade Medium Blend 250g Ground Valve Pack£8.50

This delicious chemical-free (CO2 method) decaffeinated coffee is suitable for drinking all day long as it is on a medium roast. No-one will notice that it is decaffeinated. Ground for all methods.

Bargain Blend Strong 1kg Ground for all methods

Bargain Blend Strong 1kg Ground for all methods£23.00

Never more than 30% robusta. Continental flavour but not too strong. Can be used in espresso, probably best with milk or sugar.

Decaffeinated Medium Roast Organic Fairtrade

Decaffeinated Medium Roast Organic FairtradeFrom:  £7.90

A medium roast for filter, cafetiere and mild espresso. A pure arabica coffee to be enjoyed at all times of day with an exceptionally smooth and fine Latin American flavour - you would never know it was decaf.

Italian Organic Fairtrade 250g Ground Valve Pack

Italian Organic Fairtrade 250g Ground Valve Pack£8.00

Very strong. Fine ground for most methods including domestic espresso. Suitable for latte or other milky coffees, but even then some will find it too burnt tasting.

Malawi Mzuzu Gourmet Coffee Beans in 250g Valve Pack

Malawi Mzuzu Gourmet Coffee Beans in 250g Valve Pack£8.00

This African coffee has a thick body giving a creamier flavour. This is the same Malawi available in the medium-strong roast section but unground in 250g valve packs.

House Blend Organic Fairtrade

House Blend Organic FairtradeFrom:  £5.65

A medium roast for filter and cafetiere. Finely blended range of pure arabicas based on Mexican, giving a complex and smooth flavour suitable for most tastes and all day drinking.